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Ahead of Haitian Flag Day, Schakowsky, Cherfilus-McCormick, Clarke Propose Groundbreaking Plan to Rebuild Haiti

Full Text of Resolution (PDF)

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky and Co-Chairs of the Haiti Caucus, U.S. Representatives Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick and Yvette Clarke, introduced a groundbreaking resolution to establish the Louverture Investment Plan. Named for the renowned leader of the Haitian independence, Toussaint Louverture, this plan is a 10-year, $50 billion development program to rebuild Haiti to stabilize the country, strengthen democratic and judiciary institutions, invest in critical infrastructure, spur economic growth, and improve opportunities to women and youth to secure the welfare of the Haitian people. This resolution comes in advance of the 221st anniversary on May 18th of the adoption of the Haitian Flag.

“Between the political turmoil engulfing Port-au-Prince, a food supply shortage, devastating earthquakes, and soaring violence, Haitians are facing an unprecedented crisis. The United States must thoughtfully and meaningfully help its close Caribbean neighbor,” said Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky.“That is why I am introducing a resolution with co-Chairs of the Haiti Caucus, Reps. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick and Yvette Clarke, calling for the establishment of the Louverture Investment Plan – a 10-year, $50 billion development program to rebuild Haiti. I have visited Haiti many times over the years, and I have seen first-hand the remarkable resilience the Haitian people have shown in the face of devastation. Decades of tragic experience have taught us that all efforts to help Haiti recover must be led by the Haitian people and democratically chosen Haitian leaders. With this resolution, we can empower Haiti to develop and implement a peaceful and prosperous plan for its future. We are working very closely with many Haitian American leaders, including some from Illinois’ 9th Congressional District, to pass this resolution.”

“It is undeniable that Haiti has made a significant contribution to the struggle for freedom and democracy in the world. Unfortunately, the instability and the current humanitarian crisis have led to devastating famine, violence, and poverty. The importance of United States support for Haiti cannot be understated,” said Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick. “As co-chair of the House Haiti Caucus, I am proud to introduce a resolution alongside Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and my fellow Haiti Caucus co-Chair Congresswoman Yvette Clarke to call for the establishment of the Louverture Investment Plan. This ambitious plan would help to rebuild Haiti through a 10-year, $50 billion development program. As the only Haitian American member of Congress, I am committed to strengthening the U.S. and Haiti relationship.  This resolution will not only support the well-deserved reconstruction plan for Haiti, but will also encourage a Haitian-led effort to restabilize the country.”

“As Haiti confronts this crisis of political instability, violence, and humanitarian turmoil, it’s clear the need for the United States’ support is vital if we are to deliver the brighter days every Haitian deserves. I am proud to join Rep. Schakowsky and my fellow Haiti Caucus co-chair to urge the establishment of the Louverture Investment Plan – a critical blueprint that will provide our beloved Caribbean ally with the resources and relief that is not only necessary to ensure the future and safety of Haitian communities, but the viability of a Haitian-led democratic transition. I believe we have a moral duty to secure the progress our Haitian neighbors in America, abroad, and across the diaspora are counting on. While lives and a nation remain imperiled at this pivotal moment, Congressional inaction is unacceptable,” said Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke. 

“I am excited about this collaboration between Reps. Schakowsky, Cherfilus-McCormick, and Clarke as they champion a $50 billion Marshall Plan for Haiti, located a short flight from our shores, amid its current period of significant political and socioeconomic turmoil,” said Chairwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin of the National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON).“Reflecting on the historical significance of May 18, 221 years ago, when Catherine Flon designed Haiti’s first flag. This partnership ignites a spirit of hope. Through this resolution, we envision a promising future for our neighboring nation, Haiti, as it endeavors to reclaim its esteemed historical position as a resilient and self-governing nation.”

Specifically, this plan would:

  • Support the restoration of democratic governance through free and fair elections, strengthen the rule of law, and build the capacity of Haiti’s security forces including disarmament, demobilization and reintegration program from youth formerly enrolled into gangs;
  • Invest in the reconstruction and modernization of Haiti’s physical infrastructure, including heath care, roads, bridges, ports, power grid, and water/sanitation systems;
  • Promote sustainable economic development through agricultural modernization and food security;
  • Support small businesses and entrepreneurs, especially Small and Medium Size Entrepreneurs, women and youth;
  • Improve access to quality healthcare, education, and social services to address Haiti’s acute humanitarian needs;
  • Enhance Haiti’s resilience to natural disasters through improved disaster planning, environmental conservation, and climate change adaptation measures;
  • Encourage regional integration and greater economic cooperation between Haiti, the United States, and other Caribbean nations.