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Ode to the African Child

Be proud, oh child of Africa,
Heir of a legacy rich and grand,
With skin kissed by the sun,
And a heart resilient and strong.

Despite the concerted efforts
To tear you down,
To make you doubt your worth,
Remember you are the perfection of creation,
The grand ancestors of humankind,
A living testament to a glorious heritage.

Gifted in every area of life,
You are the dreamers, the creators,
The leaders, the visionaries.
In your veins flows the wisdom of ages,
In your spirit, the courage to rise.

You stand tall, unbroken,
In the face of adversity,
A beacon of hope and strength,
A testament to the indomitable African spirit.

So hold your head high,
And embrace your heritage with pride.
For you are the African child,
The future, the hope, the pride of a continent,
A beautiful, uplifting symphony of life.

Rejoice in your identity,
Celebrate your roots,
For you are more than enough,
You are the embodiment of resilience,
The embodiment of dreams fulfilled.

Be proud, oh child of Africa,
For you are a masterpiece,
A divine creation,
Destined for greatness.
