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UN expert warns about normalization of sexual torture in war

Geneva (19 June 2024) – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture is alarmed at the prevalence, frequency and intensity of sexual torture in current armed conflicts. In this past year of insecurity and instability, she notes there has been a considerable number of reported crimes of sexual torture.

“Sexual torture is the ultimate imposition of power of one person over another and causes great suffering”, said Alice Jill Edwards, UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, on the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict.

“While rape and other forms of sexual torture have been a part of war for thousands of years, these vile crimes continue today despite the best efforts of many actors.

Sexual torture can leave long-term scars that last a lifetime, and these wounds regularly affect future generations. The consequences for survivors can be emotional, traumatic, physiological, reproductive and economic.”

In the past year the Special Rapporteur has received compelling allegations from a multitude of wars of the most egregious of crimes.

“We must as an international community start forcefully questioning why sexual torture happens so frequently”, said Edwards. “Why have efforts failed to prevent this? Why are there so few prosecutions?”

The UN expert argues that sexual assaults committed by warring parties are almost always torture.

The UN torture expert will report to the UN General Assembly in October on her findings on sexual torture and her recommendations on the use of the international torture framework to improve access to justice and remedies for victims and survivors.