I’m one of the Colston Four. Our victory confirms the power and value of protest
We have been accused of erasing history – but that’s impossible. All we did was shine a light in places people don’t want lights to shine On 7 June 2020,…
We have been accused of erasing history – but that’s impossible. All we did was shine a light in places people don’t want lights to shine On 7 June 2020,…
A new website by the Bureau of Indian Affairs is meant to help increase visibility for missing and murdered Indigenous Peoples’ cases and help with investigations, but at least one grassroots worker…
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – 2021 saw an all-time high of police officers shot and killed in the line of duty. A report released late last year from the National Fraternal Order…
Black and Hispanic workers in Dallas aren’t as educated as White workers and will be left behind if city leaders don’t offer more workforce development programs, according to a report commissioned by…
“Where are you from?” There are few other questions in Australia that help shed a light on the overlapping and contradictory sense of sovereignty and belonging between Indigenous people, white…
Jan. 9—For most of her career in Portland Public Schools, Julia Hazel was either the only teacher of color or one of just a handful in the schools where she…
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Salt Lake City has sworn in a historic new city council where the majority of members identify as LGBTQ, and most are people of color.…
Should descendants of enslaved African Americans receive reparations? What could those reparations look like? Earl Lewis A panel will tackle those questions from 12:30-2 p.m. Jan. 17 during the online…
Evanston’s Reparations Committee approved nonprofit group Community Partners for Affordable Housing to distribute funds to the first 16 recipients of the Restorative Housing Program at a Thursday meeting. Under the…
Dawn Basciano’s ancestors arrived five generations ago in Coloma, California, as enslaved people, forced to leave behind an infant son enslaved to another family in Missouri. Those ancestors, Nancy and Peter…