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6 Things to Do onInternational Indigenous Women’s Day 

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September 5 is the International Day of Indigenous Women commemorated in honor of Aymara warrior Bartolina Sisa who in 1780, along with her husband Túpac Katari, led an important part of the Aymara-Quechua rebellion against the exploitation and abuse of Spanish colonizers in Peru. 

While too many women all over the world are still affected by violence and rights abuses, it is important to recognize the amazing work Indigenous women are doing to make change happen. They are movement builders, system shakers, stewards of ecosystems, community caretakers, and working towards a transformative, equitable, and just future for all of our relations. On this International Indigenous Women’s Day stand in solidarity with women as they fight to assert their rights. Join us in this action to honor, uplift, and resource Indigenous women’s leadership, so that next year we will have even more to celebrate!