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It Started With a Palestinian Woman’s Arrest. It Ended With Israeli Officers Investigated for Rape

Shin Bet personnel, IDF officers and an army medic and a clerk undertook a highly invasive search of a Palestinian detainee. She didn’t pose clear and present danger. Intelligence did not justify such an extreme act. Last week, the investigation on suspicion of rape and sodomy against all those involved was closed. Haaretz has obtained the transcript of their interrogation

It was one of the thorniest investigations carried out in recent years – motivated by a suspicion that Shin Bet security service agents and Israel Defense Forces officers had had two female soldiers perform an invasive search of a Palestinian woman’s most sensitive body parts. So delicate was the case that the attorney general convened a special meeting to discuss it. “If we don’t investigate this, the International Criminal Court in The Hague will,” said one of those present.