In his Dec. 26 guest column, “Reparations in Northampton would demean us,” Marc Warner displayed a profound lack of awareness of what reparations are about. His impression is that it is meant to address the guilt a person who has personally and directly benefited from slavery feels (or should feel). Reparations is actually about our collective recognition as a society of the lasting impact of slavery and racism which continues to today. Linking this recognition with efforts to assist those who were and are negatively impacted ultimately helps us all. It certainly does not demean anyone. Another thing he got wrong appears in his first few words. He speaks with certainty that the idea and support for reparations rises from “A small group of local activists …”. I and many others I know have strongly but silently supported this effort. Mr. Warner’s column has prompted me to break my silence but most of the supporters will remain silent unless a referendum takes place. I would counter that it is likely that the smallest group is made up of people who have actually taken the effort to learn about this topic and are opposed to the idea. I believe the majority of us have yet to get the necessary knowledge about this topic to arrive at a reasoned opinion. I’m sure the Northampton City Council would not be supporting it strongly if only a small portion of their constituents were supportive and the rest were opposed. I encourage Mr. Warner to expand his awareness and understanding of the concept of reparations and hope his raising of this topic inspires others to do so as well.