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Young People from Serbia who sent a Letter of support to the UN for the Resolution on Srebrenica have received Threats

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights from Serbia sent a letter to the United Nations (UN) in support of the adoption of a resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, and they announced that young people from this initiative will address the UN. Due to this and their publicly expressed views, they have received numerous threats through social media, and one serious one in the real world. Marko Milosavljevic from the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Serbia said in an interview that despite everything, they are not giving up and spoke about the importance of the UN resolution on the Srebrenica genocide for young people, as well as for the entire society in Serbia.

“Because of the letter of support you sent to the UN, some of your members received threats. Did that scare and discourage you from continuing to speak the truth?” the interviewer asked.

“It’s difficult when you face hundreds of threats when you come out publicly, especially for young female colleagues. This can endanger and question your further activism, but we have taken legal steps to report these accounts because most threats come through social media. A criminal complaint has been filed because one threat was real. Unfortunately, this doesn’t surprise us considering our previous activities over the 20 years of our existence, especially during the 10th anniversary when we put up a series of billboards reminding not only the state and institutions but also society of the responsibility to educate themselves about what happened in Srebrenica,” Milosavljevic stated, N1 writes.