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Memorial Day Keynote by Noel Koch:

“…And for that our sons and daughters gave it all for the idea on which our nation was founded—the most profound idea in human history: the idea that men and women are born free, and by their birth alone entitled to liberty and justice.”

On this solemn day, as we remember the brave who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms, am resharing remarks my Dad gave a few years ago. Dad served in Vietnam as part of the 3rd Radio Research Unit, the same unit as Specialist James T. Davis, who gave his life on 22 December 1961–the first American to die in ground combat action in Vietnam. In memory of him & all who gave the last full measure of devotion, let us continue to resolve that our dead shall not have died in vain.

Memorial Day Keynote by Noel Koch:

Memorial Day…a day of reverence, of solemn remembrance. A day for honoring those who laid down their lives…for something quite extraordinary; for something quite simple. For nothing more, & nothing less, than an idea.

I have been privileged to serve America in countries around the world. Wherever I travel, I visit the cemeteries where that country buries its dead—these tell you everything worth knowing about a country.

I came across a little cemetery when I served in Vietnam—men who had died in the French-Indochina War. Each headstone bore an inscription with a name and date, and the words “Mort pour la France”—Died for France.

In Germany, the words are “Todt fur der Vaterland”—Died for the Fatherland.

In Russia: Died for the Motherland.

In Japan: Died for the Emperor.

In England: For King and Country.

There are no words like that on the stones beneath which our countrymen sleep; no sacrifice for king or country. Rather, those we remember with special devotion this day made the ultimate sacrifice for the idea on which our country was founded.

They did not go to foreign places to seize the resources of others, or to exploit their labor, or to take their land on our behalf. As Colin Powell once said: “All we have asked of those for whom we fought was six feet of earth to bury our slain.” And for that our sons & daughters gave it all for the idea on which our nation was founded—the most profound idea in human history: the idea that men and women are born free, and by their birth alone entitled to liberty and justice.

The Bible teaches “Greater love hath no man than that he lay down his life for his friend.” What then shall we say of a nation that sends its sons and daughters to offer up their blood so that strangers may live in freedom, able to realize the liberty & justice that we consider to be the God-given right of all men and women?

It is those Sons and Daughters we mourn today, those Fathers and Mothers we honor today, those Sisters and Brothers we remember today with reverence.

The bones of our fallen heroes hallow the earth here in our Land, and in lands across the globe. But their souls are borne home by angels of mercy, and by our prayers, to eternal life in the mansions of the Lord.Activate to view larger image,