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In Kosovo’s Patriarchal Society, Imams’ Sexist Diatribes Go Unchallenged

Serbeze Haxhiaj

At Friday prayers in March this year, Shefqet Krasniqi, imam of Pristina’s main Mehmet Fatih mosque, called women who wear mini-skirts “immoral”.

In a video, Krasniqi also accused any girl or woman who exposes their legs of being deliberately provocative. “It sounds like she goes out to provoke other men, to show them what legs she has,” he remarked.

In an interview with television station RTV Dukagjini, Krasniqi doubled down on his sexist viewpoint, adding that “a woman’s place is in the kitchen”.

Krasniqi is not on obscure figure. He has cultivated a large audience at his mosque and on social networks, where he is asked about and comments on women’s roles, often using the same kind of rhetoric.
