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Mom Files Federal Lawsuit against Judge & Father—Infamous O.J. Prosecutor

Demanding a Jury Trial

Womens Coalition International

A California mother has filed a Federal lawsuit against a Los Angeles Family Court judge and the father of her daughter—the infamous prosecutor in the People v. O.J. Simpson “case of the century”. 

There are several other defendants named, as well, who were involved with the wrongful handling of reported violence and abuse and the removal of custody of her daughter. 

A jury trial is demanded.


Celia’s Prayers for Relief include injunctions against the Los Angeles Superior Court, the California Bar, and the Police Chief. Compensatory and punitive damages from all defendants are requested as well as what the jury sees fit. 

Most importantly, though, Celia is requesting a declaratory judgment against Judge Weinberger asserting he violated her daughter’s and her right to a family relationship with each other by switching custody to the father without due process. If granted, this will surely lead to her 11 year-old daughter coming home to her mama—where she wants to be, where she should be, and from where she should never have been taken.

Celia’s custody case mimics what so many mothers experience after stepping across that threshold of no return into Family Court—into a rigged system designed so judges can take children from loving mothers and bequeath them upon abusive and self-serving fathers.


Celia gave birth to Chloe in 2012. The father is Christopher Darden, a prosecutor on the O.J. Simpson murder (of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman) case. He was widely blamed for having lost the case with the “if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit” fiasco. O.J. was later found liable for their murder in civil court.

Christopher Darden at OJ trial (second from left)

Darden was married at the time Chloe was born and already had four other children, three out of wedlock and one with his wife. He tried to take custody away from three of the four mothers, and succeeded with two, one of whom would be, unfortunately, Celia.

Celia was able to keep custody of Chloe for her first ten years because Darden didn’t want custody. He had stipulated to Celia having physical custody. 

Over the years, Celia was granted multiple Restraining Orders and she alleges many forms of DV, some extremely serious. The lawsuit lists many types of abuse she endured, including extortion, sexual assault, defamation, revenge porn, false police reports, lawfare (using court to harass her), child porn, deprivation of maternal custody = child abuse, offensive name calling, physical violence (including strangulation), death threats and other threats to harm, and reproductive coercion.

In September 2022, Celia was granted a Restraining Order that protected both Celia and Chloe from Darden. But the case was switched to Judge William Weinberger, who dismissed it without a hearing, witnesses or testimony, i.e. covered it up. 

Judge William Weinberger

By February 2023, Celia had lost custody completely and was restricted to supervised visitation. This illegal custody switch also occurred without due process, no hearing, no evidence or witnesses presented, or any findings that she had abused Chloe or was a danger to her.

There are other judges involved who have continued the injustice and oppression. This is often the case in Custody Crisis cases. It goes from one judge to the next to the next making it easier for them to do their dirty work and harder mothers to get the truth on the record. 

The sudden switch of custody to Darden was, according to Celia, because he had decided to run for a L.A. Superior Court judgeship. Part of cleaning up his act was to eliminate a “baby mama” he had to pay child support to. He told her the reason he lost a previous bid for judgeship was because he was paying two other “baby mamas” child support at the time. 

There had been no change of family circumstances, which is required to change a longstanding custody ruling, and then only after a fair hearing on the matter takes place. The only change was in his professional life, irrelevant to custody of a child he bore outside of his marriage and had never been much involved in parenting.

The terrible idea of using one’s child to help get himself elected backfired. Celia went public, exposing what he had done, the cheating, the DV, the stealing of her 10 year-old child from her. 

Darden went on to lose in the primary in March, perhaps due to Celia speaking out, but most likely he would have lost anyway. It was a landslide. 


Celia and Chloe went from being together 24/7 for 10 years to hardly seeing each other at all, and then only on Facetime—supervised. 

Darden is even violating the order for the minimal supervised visits. He claims he doesn’t want Chloe around a “stranger”—the professional supervisor. Any old excuse will do because judges rarely hold fathers accountable for violating orders, just mothers. 

Oh the ironies. If true, that means Darden is In Contempt: he wrote a book called In Contempt in which he opines on how bad and unfair the justice system is. Celia contends that Darden himself is “a D.V. Perpetrator benefitting from the same legal system [O.J.] Simpson did…

Chloe is reportedly not doing well at her father’s and wants badly to be home with her real mother—you know, the one who gestated, birthed, nursed and primarily nurtured her for 10 years, and, most importantly for her healthy development, the parent to whom she is primarily bonded


The lawsuit is a 91-page pleading and includes many allegations and contentions that are impossible to do justice to in a newsletter. It is recommended that you read it so you can see for yourself the enormity and complexity of the case and all the ways that Celia has been denied justice in her odyssey to keep and protect her child. 

L.A. Superior Court is being sued due to presiding and trial judges conspiring in the custody switch. 

The presiding judges, Eric Taylor and then Samantha Jessner failed to take all steps to protect [Celia] when Darden decided to execute his plan to become judge…

The presiding judges fail to execute their duties of supervising judges to insure they are not violating the rights of parents. Judges in [Celia’s] case have engaged in a pattern of gendered racism against [Celia], including yelling, insulting, mocking, and degrading her, denying her attorneys fees which constitutes denial of access to the court which is a fundamental due process violation, and a fair order of child support. All of them permit Darden to call her names in his pleadings.

The L.A. Police Department is being sued for, in effect, aiding in the cover up of domestic violence by Dardenwhich contributed to the custody switch. 

Unless this Court enters an injunction ordering the LAPD to complete its investigation, exonerate [Celia], and prosecute Darden for the false report, [Celia] will continue to suffer irreparable injury…

The California Bar is included in the lawsuit as they are alleged to be protecting an unethical and abusive attorney who has wrongly taken custody of his daughter from her mother with lies and misrepresentations.

The bar has a proven pattern of protecting extremely unethical attorneys if the judges are protecting them as well…Unless this Court enters an injunction ordering the Bar to open up an investigation against Darden, Darden will continue to engage in ethical violations against [Celia], and [Celia] will continue to suffer irreparable injury.

In a nutshell, Celia’s lawsuit contends that “all [Family Court] orders are void and unconstitutional” due to Celia not having been provided the due process to which she is legally entitled.

All orders void and unconstitutional DUE TO: no due process:


Celia’s case brings to light many issues affecting women in Family Court: denial of attorney fees; men allowed to continue DV after separation; denial of a fair child support order; lengthy, costly litigation, even after judgment is entered; switching custody without a hearing/testimony/evidence about what’s best for the child; hostility of judges towards mothers; labeling of mothers as “mad and bad”, etc.

The fact that a conspiracy is alleged is notable. In virtually all Custody Crisis cases, judges conspires with others (as well as the father) to switch custody. So it is nice to see it spelled out in a Federal lawsuit. 

Celia’s case, as so many others, provides a compelling example of how Family Court judges, aided and abetted by court-affiliated professionals, conspire to cover up abuse by men in order to switch custody to them. This demonstrates it is deliberate. Not due to lack of training or laws. And the system is designed to do just that.

Most importantly, for our campaign to end the Custody Crisis, it demonstrates conclusively that women cannot get due process in Family Court. No matter what. 

And due process is required in civilized societies. Citizens cannot be deprived of inalienable rights and liberties without a fair process, which requires a jury. The necessity of a jury has been recognized at least since the Magna Carta in the 13th century, which states that “no free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions…except by the lawful judgment of his equals (peers)”.

Thomas Jefferson, founding father of U.S. democracy also made it clear when he stated, “I consider trial by jury as the only anchor, ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.” 

Therefore, the only reform that will provide women with due process is to shut down Family Court and have all divorce/custody cases heard in a regular civil court [read: real court] with a jury of our peers. 

Imagine if Celia was provided with the due process protections of a real court and was able to testify to everything she alleges in this lawsuit, there is no way a jury of her peers would have taken her daughter away from her and given her to Darden. 

Kudos to Celia for speaking out against the injustices inflicted upon her. We are all pulling for Celia and Chloe to be reunited!


Join us at The Women’s Coalition where we are demanding Custody Cases be heard in a real court.


To my darling sweet baby girl, Chloe,

You are smart, beautiful, and brave. Who you are is enough. Always follow your intuition and your heart. Trust yourself and believe in yourself. As you grow, use your own discernment to know the difference between what’s right and wrong.

I will never give up on you. Despite this unfortunate and unpleasant situation for both of us, I, as your mommy, your mother, am here to tell you that I’m not going anywhere. I am here alongside you, fighting for your justice and your peace of mind because I love you.

I miss waking up to you, praying with you, making you breakfast, wishing you the best day each and every day as you go to school, picking you up, asking about your day, smelling your hair, making silly faces, and watching movies with you. It is my honor to nurture, protect, and guide you. I’m so proud of you. You are my inspiration, and I can’t wait to see you again.

Since I can’t be there to comfort you, use this time to remember the teachings I have taught you to help you navigate your way through. Find it in yourself to stay positive, stay strong, and keep holding on, even if it’s just the idea of waking up and smelling the fresh air the next day. Keep holding on.

You are always in my heart. Mommy loves you to the moon, to the stars, and beyond. I love everything about you. The other side of this situation is far brighter and happier, so just keep on keeping on. Remember, Godspeed ahead.

With all of me I give my very best to you. 

Love, Mommy

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NOTE: Everything in this post is from the allegations in the lawsuit and information believed to be true and opinion about public figures based on that information. You are encouraged to read the lawsuit and do further research to form your own opinion.



There Goes The Love of My Life. Not. is Chapter 24 of Mother-Fucking: The Saga of One Fucked Mother.

In this chapter, Legion realizes she is not upset about divorcing Herry. He was not the love of her life, and his inability to care or connect on a level deeper than pure physical meant, in the end, he had always been just a sex object.

Legion remembers her youngest son at 22-years-old admitting that he not only did not remember his childhood before being taken away from her, but that hedid not want to remember it. All those years of love and nurturing and fun—gone. This is an example of how cognitive dissonance causes kids to dissociate off memories of their mother, but they still exist in the subconscious. It is just too painful for children to remember, and hence feel again, the love and good times they had with mom. Perpetrators and their Family Court enablers take full advantage of this psychological survival mechanism in their agenda to maintain men’s control over their children.

In Chapter 23Legion sees that her entire marriage and motherhood was being reduced to “the case” in Family Court. She sees the beginnings of Herry being enabled by the system to take to take his “property”, “his” children from her, and “gut the bitch”, “obliterate” her. The misogyny of the mandatory divorce counselor stuns her and she gets her first peek that everyone affiliated with the court is there to aid and abet the father in getting custody and control. She also sees the larger truth—that marriage itself is a misogynistic institution, created to enforce male control in the family, i.e. “matrimonial bondage”.

Dr. Blue’s novel is based on her own experience of the Custody Crisis. It uniquely conveys how Family Court judges are “mother-fucking” women—a form of systemic oppression and violence directed at ex-wives—as protagonist Legion is systematically and methodically deprived of her children and money and reduced to “one fucked mother”.

Chapters are stand-alone interesting so you can begin reading anywhere. A Cast of Characters follows to help readers at any point [on the web page]. All published chapters are included in the Section: “Saga of One F**ked Mother” accessible on the top bar of the home page of Women’s Coalition News & Views. Sequential chapters are published every Wednesday and subscribers will find them in their inboxes, so make sure to subscribe if you haven’t yet!


Exactly what my brain was thinking through its facial orbs and out Othello’s frontal window on my whole world my mawwiage‑ending friend will hear from me come lunchtime Friday?  There goes my sex object… 

“No, no I don’t, Ma.  Ma, I don’t remember anything about my life before I was 11.  I don’t.”…My littlest prince, Mirzah, free‑thinker status that he has so worthily developed all along and fully come into as a young adult, needs to recover the rest of his memory and, therefore, all of his knowledge from his childhood.  And it’s not about the religiosity nor its absence.

It is about Trust and the betrayal. 

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