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Ignorance of the Law – Islamic Law – is No Excuse: It Doesn’t Stop with ‘Grooming’ Gangs

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  • Post category:Daily News

How does Islamic Law facilitate and protect gangs of men who rape little English girls? Well let’s consider how any little girl would be treated if this happened in an Islamic country? They’re unveiled for starters, walking around without a ‘mahram’ — an unmarriageable male protector — if raped they need to provide four male witnesses of penetration — such witnesses are hard to find — if the victim doesn’t report (because she can’t get the witnesses, probably terrified) and gets pregnant she will now be a criminal herself and either publicly whipped if she’s unmarried for ‘illegal’ sex or stoned to death if she is married and the husband knows that the child isn’t his.

Anything that happens to her is entirely her fault — does this sound familiar? Didn’t the UK Prosecutors office take this attitude as well? That is how a sharia court would handle it [1]. According to Islam, girls can be both married and divorced by the time they are 9 years old (Koran 65:4).

What’s the difference now that sharia is in Britain? Very little, although we haven’t progressed to public displays of punishment yet…

Britain has become Islamized — it has had sharia courts since 1982 — so is it any wonder that beliefs which are upheld in these courts have infected all of Britain and spilled out onto the street [2]? According to Islamic law — which Muslims are expected to follow and the UK happily accommodates, little girls running around unveiled are ‘asking for it’.

  • In 2003, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that sharia is ‘Incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy’ ECHR 2003 Annual Report pg. 21 [3].

And what is the predictable reaction? For Brits to start pointing fingers at each other and demanding yet another inquiry. No doubt some proponents of Islam find this amusing. Inquiries about wrong doing on the part of authorities are all well and good but even this is self-censoring because they do not tackle the root cause which is Islam itself. Islam is a trojan horse — a very public veneer of ‘religion’ that ushers in a socio/political/economic system of governance that eventually overpowers every society it gets a good hold in.

  • In 2019 the Parliamentary Assembly reported that: “members of the Muslim community, sometimes voluntarily, often under considerable social pressure, accept their religious jurisdiction mainly in marital issues and Islamic divorce proceedings but also in matters relating to inheritance and Islamic commercial contracts. The Assembly is concerned that the rulings of the Sharia councils clearly discriminate against women in divorce and inheritance cases. The Assembly is aware that informal Islamic courts may also exist in other Council of Europe member States.” [4]

Why are there sharia courts in England to start with? Is this fair to anyone? Does England think that what is happening now is any different from what has happened to other countries that have fallen to Islam. Read what this Persian King had to say 1400 years ago.

  • [2239] The [Persian] king then said : “Ask them: ‘Why did you come here ? What induced you to attack us and covet our country? Did you muster courage against us because we left you alone and were busy with other matters? 
  • [2240] [Muslim delegation] “This is a bad thing, but not as bad as the alternative; if you refuse [to pay], it will be war. If you respond and embrace our religion, we shall leave with you the Book of God [Allah] and teach you its contents, provided that you will govern according to the laws included in it.”  [Al-Tabari Volume XII, year 14: Umar’s reign 635–636 Military expeditions to established pacts for the purpose of collecting jizyah — subjugation tax on non-Muslims][5]

Sharia = Islam. This ‘religion’ is a system of law that thrives on ignorance [6]. In Islamic states non-Muslims were forbidden to teach the Koran to their children. Today, Afghan girls are not allowed to go to school and sharia is strictly enforced there. Anything to keep people from knowing what’s going on — and guess what, this is also Islamic law.

  • Koran 56:79 None touch it except the purified.
  • ‘If a Koran is being purchased for someone, it is obligatory that the person be Muslim (0: The same is true of books of hadith and books containing the words and deeds of the early Muslims. “Koran” in this context means any work that contains some of the Koran, even a slight amount.)’ Reliance of the Traveller {ROT k1.2 e)
  • ‘When one fears …that a non-Muslim may touch it [the Koran], or that it may come into contact with some filth, then one must pick it up if there is no safe place for it…’ (ROT e8.3).
  • Koran 9:28 “… indeed the polytheists [unbelievers] are unclean, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-Haram [Mosque at Mecca] after this …” Note: rape victims were often called ‘Dirty Gori’

It is only recently that Islamic doctrine has been readily available via quality translations and electronic communication so a new way had to found to silence opposition to it’s teachings. Critics — often compassionate people who are against slavery, child marriage, sanctified wife beating etc. — are now called ‘Islamophobes’ — their accounts restricted and shut down, videos suppressed, books and articles not published. Names added to ‘Islamophobia Watch’ lists or even prosecuted with legislation introduced to define and enforce a conspiracy of silence. These are blasphemy laws on training wheels and it’s been very effective.

In a timely bit of serendipity the article I intended to reference here about a German woman given a harsher sentence than the gang rapist she was criticizing has been removed — luckily, it was archived [7].

So now we find companies, or individuals within publishing companies, making it difficult for the public to be fully informed. Amazon pulled ‘Easy Meat’ in 2019 — the 2016 in-depth examination of grooming gangs that includes a chapter on Islamic law and culture — even though it is extremely well written and referenced [8]. Who made this decision? Someone who is protecting Islamic doctrine or simply someone afraid of being called an Islamophobe? The same is true for the vetting of all such publications, YouTube videos, school curriculums, museums and other means of communication that could be used to better inform the general public. Because it’s not just reading the doctrine that’s required, it’s necessary to understand it’s application in the context of current events from a non-Islamic perspective in non-Islamic countries.

After all, why is the title of this article ‘grooming gangs’ rather than ‘rape gangs’ — because some ‘fact checker’ — who knows nothing about Islamic law — or algorithm, or someone who adheres to Islamic law which forbids any criticism of it — may censor them. Plain English was never more necessary and yet never more suppressed and censored. One more symptom of the Islamization of a country.

Because of this self-enforced lack of knowledge the average person is now surprised to see the fruit of what has been developing for decades. Allowing sharia courts to operate in England should never have been permitted [9]. Authorities take the word for proponents of Islam that this is a necessary and good thing when they should know for themselves that it is not. They certainly know it now. The European Court of Human Rights in 2003, and the EU Parliamentary report in 2019, made that perfectly clear but nothing was done about then and we have to wonder if anything substantial will be undertaken now. Certainly, another inquiry into the wrongdoings of the British authorities is insufficient by a long shot.

Until non-Islamic nations recognize that Islam, as both a belief system and a socio-political force, conflicts with the fundamental principles of democracy, and until they prioritize the welfare of all their people by curtailing its protected status as a ‘religion’ — working with those who oppose it rather than those who adhere to it — the entity that is Islam, will just keep rolling along.


[1] Article: What does the future hold for little girls’

[2] UK Briefings

[3] European Court of Human Rights

[4] Sharia, the Cairo Declaration and the European Convention on Human Rights:

[5] Al Tabari:

[6] Sharia:

[7] Germany:

[8] McLoughlin, Peter ‘Easy Meat’ New English Review Press 2016

[9] What is Sharia:

Pexels Photo: Artem Podrez 


Koran 2:223

Koran 4:15

Koran 9:28

Koran 33:50

Koran 33:59

Koran 56:79

Hadith (Bukhari 304)

Hadith (Bukhari 2229)

Hadith (Dawud 2140)

Sharia, Reliance of the Traveller Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Amana Publications 2015