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A Conversation with Elisha Wiesel & Lisa LaFlamme (2021)

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“My father never forgot. The things he saw stayed with him all the days of his life. He lived to speak of them to me, and to my children. My father was a witness.” – Elisha Wiesel

Elisha Wiesel is the only child of Holocaust survivor, professor, author, and Nobel Laureate, Elie Wiesel. In this program, Elisha will reflect on the legacy passed onto him by his father, who is often referred to as “the witness for the 6-million murdered Jews.” A successful American businessman, Elisha has organized fundraisers for Good Shepherd Services, an after-school program charity in Brooklyn, since 2013; participated in the March of the Living; spoken at many relevant venues including the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Museum of Jewish Heritage; and spoken out against various global human rights violations. 

Lisa LaFlamme is the Chief News Anchor and Senior Editor of “CTV National News with Lisa LaFlamme.” She has interviewed Bill Gates, Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Prince Harry, and more. Lisa has covered every Canadian Federal election since 1997, every Olympics since 2008, and both recent Royal Weddings at Buckingham Palace. In addition to multiple awards for broadcasting and journalism, Lisa has received an honorary doctorate (University of Ottawa), and an honorary Doctor of Laws degree (Wilfrid Laurier University & University of Windsor). She is the recipient of the Order of Ontario, was awarded the Distinguished Canadian Award from the University of Ottawa, and was named Officer of the Order of Canada (O.C.). Lisa mentors young journalists living in conflict zones as a volunteer for Journalists for Human Rights, travels to remote areas to promote child rights and end poverty as an ambassador of PLAN International, and advances educational opportunities for Afghan women with Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan.