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Alcohol increases anxiety in older adults

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As we age, our bodies go through various changes that can affect how we process alcohol and the resulting impact on our mental health. Hangxiety, or hangover anxiety, is a real phenomenon that many people experience as they get older. This can be attributed to a decrease in our ability to tolerate alcohol, reduced muscle mass, decreased GABA levels, impaired liver function, and long-term effects on serotonin levels.

The decrease in muscle mass as we age means there is less water in our bodies overall to help dilute the effects of alcohol. Additionally, the slower metabolism that comes with reduced muscle mass can result in a slower processing of alcohol. GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that has a calming effect, also declines with age and intense alcohol use, leading to increased anxiety and tension.

Furthermore, the liver becomes less efficient at detoxifying the body as we age, contributing to more acute withdrawal symptoms like anxiety. Excessive alcohol consumption can also disrupt serotonin production, leading to long-term effects on mood and mental health.

To prevent hangxiety and deal with anxiety after drinking, it is important to take care of your body physically by resting, rehydrating, and eating nutrient-rich foods. Engaging in relaxation techniques like breathing exercises, warm baths, and listening to calming music can also help alleviate anxiety. Reach out to trusted loved ones for support and practice self-compassion to combat negative thoughts.

If anxiety persists or if you are struggling with substance use disorder, seeking professional help is recommended. Overall, understanding the physiological changes that occur as we age can help us better manage the effects of alcohol on our mental health.
