$100 million Harvard reparations pledge is not enough for 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones

Nikole Hannah-Jones of The 1619 Project recently blasted Harvard University’s $100 million plan intended to remedy the school’s past associations with slavery. Speaking at Harvard, Hannah-Jones called the initiative a…

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Read more about the article Act of faith: Kenya enlists evangelical pastors to guide Haiti mission
Davis Kisotu, Serge Musasilwa, Daniel Jean Louis, Fred Eppright, Rachel Ruto, John Braland, Matt Eppright and Julius Suubi pose for a photograph in Austin, Texas, U.S. in this picture released on May 24, 2024. Fred Eppright/Handout via REUTERS

Act of faith: Kenya enlists evangelical pastors to guide Haiti mission

Aaron Ross June 5, 202411:39 AM EDTUpdated a day ago NAIROBI, June 5 (Reuters) - In the months leading up to Kenya's deployment of police officers to Haiti, President William…

Continue ReadingAct of faith: Kenya enlists evangelical pastors to guide Haiti mission