Statement of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims at the ICC on the Decision of the ICC Trial Chamber II to conclude the reparations proceedings in the Katanga case

The Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) welcomes the 30 January 2025 decision of Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which, based on…

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Read more about the article Strong Sense of Ethnic Identity Among Black, Latinx Teens Linked to Feelings of Belonging
Groups of friends taking a selfie in University Campus

Strong Sense of Ethnic Identity Among Black, Latinx Teens Linked to Feelings of Belonging

Black and Latinx adolescents with a stronger sense of ethnic identity are less likely to experience “thwarted belongingness,” a feeling of disconnectedness to others and not belonging to a larger…

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Read more about the article Toolkit by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency
UNHCR staff meet unaccompanied minors migrants disembarking from the Ocean Viking ship of the NGO SOS Mediterranée in the port of Augusta. About 60 migrants tested positive at the covid test.

Toolkit by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

🎉 It is out!! So proud of having contributed to updating the toolkit by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency on ECtHR interim measures in the interest of asylum seekers. 👀…

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Read more about the article NEGATIONISM – HOLOCAUST DENIAL
Kraków, 1947-11-24. Posiedzenie Najwy¿szego Trybuna³u Narodowego w sali Muzeum Narodowego. Pierwszy dzieñ rozprawy przeciwko 40 zbrodniarzom hitlerowskim z SS, cz³onkom za³ogi niemieckiego obozu zag³ady w Auschwitz-Birkenau (Oœwiêcim- Brzezinka). bk/mgs/mb PAP Cracow, Nov. 24, 1947. The session of the Highgest National Tribunal at a National Museum Hall. The 1st day of the trial against 40 Nazi criminals from the SS, staffers of the Nazi death camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau (Oswiecim- Brzezinka). bk/mgs/mb PAP


INTRODUCTION. ORIGINS OF HOLOCAUST DENIAL  The term Holocaust (from the Greek) or Shoah (from the Hebrew) – regardless of its many definitions (see lesson  Holocaust – Terminological and Interpretative Problems, chapter…