Mr. Jones (2019) Welsh journalist Gareth Jones risks his life to expose the truth about the devastating famine in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. Welsh journalist Gareth Jones risks his life to expose the truth about the devastating famine in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s.
Is the transmission of trauma multi-generational? Do children of survivors of mass atrocities have a higher risk of developing psychological disorders? To understand the process of multi-generational legacies of trauma, Maria Armoudian speaks with Andrei Novac and Yael Danieli about the impact of survivors’ post-trauma adaptational style in their children’s eyes
A new study by Europe’s leading professional association for neurologists has found that survivors of the Holocaust suffered long-term damage of their brain structures as a result of their trauma, with mental health problems being passed down to their children and grandchildren. Nearly everyone who’s seen it and lived to tell the tale describes it the same way: a horrifying, otherworldly thing of ghastly beauty that has haunted their life ever… In 1942, after three years of bringing back dignity to mothers interned in refugee camps and saving the lives of their babies, the Maternity of Elna has been ordered… Portrait of Setsuko Thurlow, 85, a survivor of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War II, through the lens of her friendship with second generation survivor Mitchie… Always in Season follows the tragedy of African American teenager Lennon Lacy, who in August 2014, was found hanging from a swing set in Bladenboro, North Carolina. His suspicious death… World-renowned civil rights defense attorney Bryan Stevenson works to free a wrongly condemned death row prisoner. After graduating from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned or… Clara and her two sons escape from her abusive husband with little more than their car and plan to start over in New York. After the car is towed…
An emerging line of research is exploring how historical and cultural traumas affect survivors’ children for generations to come