RiverBlue (2017)

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https://youtu.be/pfPMeMGbrj4 Host Mark Angelo documents the profound and alarming impact of textile factories serving the fast fashion industry in Western countries, on rivers in Bangladesh, China, India, and Indonesia. Leading…

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Euphoria (2017)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yPUgWjpsw The story of two sisters on a journey, where they try to get close to each other and approach the tough questions in life. Euphoria is a contemporary drama…

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116 Cameras (2017)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-E70bul6Fo Shortlisted for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, 116 CAMERAS follows a Holocaust survivor taking part in an innovative project to preserve her memories. Facing a rapidly diminishing population of…

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