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BLENDED VOICES: Introduction and Theme 1: A traumatized Africa

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  • Post category:Daily News

TopicBLENDED VOICES: A traumatized AfricaDescriptionA history of torture and trauma in our continent
Africa’s relationship to torture, war trauma and violence spans across time, reflected
in the continent’s history of precolonial conflict, colonialism and postcolonial conflict.
Telling the stories of Africa’s history is important to understanding how history has
shaped the African narrative today and its relevance to continued domination over
people through violence, othering to maintain power, lack of empathy for the
minority and transgenerational trauma. This theme calls for stories that tells Africa’s
history to allow a witnessing of these stories through documentaries, storytelling
and art, so that we can begin to understand and reflect on the psychological and
social architecture/landscape that Africa sits with today following years of violence.Time

Oct 28, 2020 02:00 PM in Johannesburg