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Breaking Down Barriers to STEM Education Under New Benson Law

TRENTON, NJ – A new law sponsored by Assemblyman Daniel Benson (D-Mercer/Middlesex) is aimed at closing the gap when it comes to women, minorities and other populations in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM.)  The law creates a statewide program to assist universities in recruiting and retaining individuals from these underrepresented groups.

““For too long, many different groups – such as women and people of color – have been excluded from the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Their lack of representation in these fields is due to a number of factors that begin at a young age and continue throughout their academic and professional experiences,” said Benson. “Rampant discrimination and harassment that form hostile classrooms and workplaces are just some of the barriers these individuals can face. In order to combat inequality in STEM, we need to identify the many ways in which our educational institutions, and society as a whole, limit opportunities and create unwelcome environments for underrepresented groups.”

The Secretary of Higher Education will establish a program with the purpose of developing guidance and strategies for identifying cultural and institutional barriers that prevent underrepresented students from entering or remaining in STEM fields. The program also will provide these students with institutional support to help them reach their academic goals. 

“Historically, womenpeople of colorpeople with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ+ community have made significant contributions to technological, mathematic and scientific advancements. Yet still they are discouraged from participating in these important fields,” Benson added. “This program is one way New Jersey can begin to address these inequalities in order to improve the diversity and equity of STEM in our state.” 

The law takes effect immediately.