Fukushima wastewater issue will further divide a nation, split families, and cause ‘atomic divorce’

In a bid to dispel seafood worries around the release of Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the ocean, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida ate an array of sashimi late in August; the raw…

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Multigenerational Legacies of COVID in Indigenous Communities in the United States (Webinar)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3i-lG9Hk1M Monday, 9 October 2023, 10:00-11:30AM PDT / 11:00AM - 12:30PM MDT / 12:00-1:30PM CDT / 1:00-2:30PM EDT / 7:00-8:30PM GMT+2 / 8:00-9:30PM IDT This International Center for MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma’s…

Continue ReadingMultigenerational Legacies of COVID in Indigenous Communities in the United States (Webinar)

ICMGLT Board Member Pablo DeGreiff member of the UN independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine is quoted in this important article about the continued evidence of war crimes by Russia in Ukraine and look into genocide allegations

United Nations investigation finds Russia tortured Ukrainians to death, raped women Russian occupiers tortured Ukrainians so brutally that some of their victims died and families were forced to listen as they…

Continue ReadingICMGLT Board Member Pablo DeGreiff member of the UN independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine is quoted in this important article about the continued evidence of war crimes by Russia in Ukraine and look into genocide allegations

Dr. Yael Danieli, Founder and Executive Director of the International Center for MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma, with Mr. Tom Friedman, an American political commentator and author

Dr. Yael Danieli, Founder and Executive Director of the International Center for MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma, with Mr. Tom Friedman, an American political commentator and author. He is a three-time Pulitzer Prize winner…

Continue ReadingDr. Yael Danieli, Founder and Executive Director of the International Center for MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma, with Mr. Tom Friedman, an American political commentator and author