7 Ways to Deal With Climate Despair
Forget climate anxiety: many people are in flat-out climate despair. About two-thirds of Americans (65%) report being worried about global warming, according to a January report from the Yale Program for Climate…
Forget climate anxiety: many people are in flat-out climate despair. About two-thirds of Americans (65%) report being worried about global warming, according to a January report from the Yale Program for Climate…
June 28, 2022 Today, in the presence of Yazidi community members, clergymen, and community leaders, a ceremony was held to exhume the remains of Yazidi genocide victims from Sinjar found…
Sinjar, 28 October 2020 — After pausing activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Iraqi authorities have resumed the exhumations of mass graves, with support from the United Nations Investigative Team to Promote…
Iraq, 10 November 2023 From 15 to 28 October 2023, the Iraqi national team in charge of exhumations, the Mass Graves Directorate (MGD) opened, with the support of UNITAD, ICMP…
ERBIL, KRI, Iraq (North Press) – The exhumation of a mass grave of Yazidi victims killed by the Islamic State (ISIS) began on Saturday in the Yazidi-majority district of Sinjar (Shengal), northwestern…
HARDAN, Iraq - Tens of graves were dug outside the village of Hardan in the Yazidi heartland of Shingal (Sinjar) on Tuesday for the reburial of Yazidis killed by the…
Haiti, located on the island of Hispaniola bordering the Dominican Republic, remains mired in interrelated political, security, and humanitarian crises. Haiti lacks an elected president and legislature following the July…
יעל אדר שבנה תמיר נחטף לעזה, נרצח בהיעדר טיפול וגופתו עדיין שם - שיתפה בכאב על התחושות שעולות בעקבות המתווה החדש שפורסם • אדר הדגישה "צריך להחזיר את כל החטופים…
בריאיון באולפן, אחיו של החטוף איציק אלגרט קרא להשבת 136 החטופים בכל מחיר, גם תמורת הפסקת הלחימה בעזה • במסגרת מחאתו, הוא ענד טלאי צהוב על בגדיו שמסמל את המצב…
"מרגישים שמזלזלים בתושבים": ראשי מועצות העוטף העבירו את הלילה על ספות ליד משרדו של נתניהו - ודורשים להיפגש איתו שוב • הסיבה להסתגרות: מחאה על מתווה החזרה לעוטף, ש"חותך" את…