Black and Brown Americans had higher rates of anxiety and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic, new study finds

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It’s well-documented that racial minorities experienced higher rates of infectionduring the pandemic. But the burden doesn’t stop there, according to a new study published in the scientific journal Plus One. Racial…

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Minn. appeals court rules that racial imbalance in Twin Cities schools doesn’t violate constitution unless intentional

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The Minnesota Court of Appeals has ruled against a group of parents who sued the state over segregation in Twin Cities school districts, saying a racially imbalanced school system does…

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BIPOC students and faculty reflect on the importance of DEI work and representation at UP

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by Jayla Fernandez ,  by Peytynn Kubo ,  by Ndemoh Sesay and  by Adeline Paguirigan This year’s freshman class is one of the most ethnically diverse classes UP has seen in recent years. 59% of the freshman class at UP identifies as…

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Tensions are high as California’s reparations task force tackles a crucial question: What will payment look like?

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California’s task force to study reparations for Black people is preparing to debate the most crucial piece of its work: How much restitution is due, and what form should it…

Continue ReadingTensions are high as California’s reparations task force tackles a crucial question: What will payment look like?