Read more about the article Rescuing the SDGs: General Assembly highlights ‘world’s to-do list’
A view of the SDG Moment 2022. The SDG Moment is an event during the UN General Assembly high-level week with the intention to bring into focus the promise of inclusion, resilience and sustainability embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in times of crisis. Convened by Secretary-General António Guterres, the event is shaped by the narrative of the SDGs as our To-Do List for a better future for all on a safe and healthy planet. The SDG Moment features the Secretary-General’s SDG Advocates Co-Chairs and SDG Dialogues focused on solutions for inequalities and climate and environmental challenges.

Rescuing the SDGs: General Assembly highlights ‘world’s to-do list’

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  • Post category:Daily News

The 2022 SDG Moment, which places an annual spotlight on the 17 Global Goals agreed by countries in December 2015, took place as the world faces a deepening cost-of-living crisis against…

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Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC) Publishes “Antiracism Toolkit for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color”

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September 13, 2022 by Gary Price From the Introduction:  The Toolkits for Equity project emerges as one such mechanism to work toward a more equitable, affirming, and just industry. In the larger scope of an…

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