A Her­itage Lost

My Armen­ian grand­fa­ther, JK, was mar­ried to an Armen­ian woman named Haganoush, who dis­cov­ered she couldn’t have chil­dren. For JK, not hav­ing a male heir was com­plete­ly unac­cept­able. But Haganoush had been brought…

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My Hand on His Shoul­der: A Descen­dant of Cryp­to-Jews Inserts Her­self into the His­tor­i­cal Record

Ear­ly in my writ­ing career, I attend­ed an event at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton dis­cussing the pres­ence of Sephardic Jews in Seat­tle. I was prob­a­bly the youngest per­son in the audi­ence. Most…

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‘World is failing adolescent girls’ warns UNFPA chief, as report shows third of women in developing countries give birth in teen years

Nearly a third of all women in developing countries, start having children at the age of 19 or younger, and nearly half of first births to adolescents, are to children…

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