Read more about the article The secret to the Ukrainian military’s success
A Ukrainian serviceman walks near the wreck of a Russian tank on the front line in the Kyiv region, Ukraine, on March 28, 2022.

The secret to the Ukrainian military’s success

Ukraine's conduct is a warning to U.S. leaders that a technically inferior adversary can impose surprisingly sharp costs. Russia’s awful military performance in Ukraine has been the greatest surprise to…

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Black Americans were hospitalized at 4 times the rate of white ones during Omicron’s peak. Why Stealth Omicron could be even more devastating

There's an old saying: When white America gets a cold, Black America gets pneumonia. Or, as a columnist for The New Yorker put it in 2020, "When white America catches the novel…

Continue ReadingBlack Americans were hospitalized at 4 times the rate of white ones during Omicron’s peak. Why Stealth Omicron could be even more devastating