NAACP seeks ‘reparations commission’
HIGH POINT — The NAACP High Point branch asked the city Monday to establish a “commission on reparations” to “address a reparation and repair agenda for the Black citizens of…
HIGH POINT — The NAACP High Point branch asked the city Monday to establish a “commission on reparations” to “address a reparation and repair agenda for the Black citizens of…
Mothers who lost their children to police violence advocated for an end to qualified immunity for law enforcement in Ohio during a Vigil for Victims of Police Violence outside the…
Yesterday, one year after the murder of George Floyd, our member-led Executive Board founded the UFCW 21 Racial Justice Advisory Board. The COVID pandemic has exacerbated the glaring racial disparities…
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. — As part of a U.S. Dept. of Justice pilot program, the Bay Mills Indian Community and Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa released Murdered &…
Disparities in family wealth and discriminatory lending patterns are major contributors to the difficulties Black and Latino entrepreneurs face in accessing capital and loans to start and grow businesses in…
"While it sounds like an extraordinary Hollywood plot, it's not. The reality of this apparent act of air piracy is chilling," Amnesty International said. "Piracy," "hijacking" and "state terrorism" —…
Samoa's first female prime minister has been sworn into office in a tent after she was locked out of parliament by her opponent, who has refused to step down. Fiame…
Sasha Johnson, one of the leading Black Lives Matter activists in the United Kingdom, is in critical condition after she was shot in the head early Sunday, according to reports.…
DC-Cam is playing a key role towards genocide prevention The preamble to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide states that “genocide is a crime…
My mother’s relationship with her parents was uneasy. Born into a strict Irish Catholic family, she’d been evacuated as a baby, sent to a convent boarding school at seven, and…