A teacher uses AI-generated images of students’ future selves based on their ambitions to motivate and inspire them.

A teacher uses AI-generated images of students' future selves based on their ambitions to motivate and inspire them. Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alvinfsc_a-teacher-uses-ai-generated-images-of-students-activity-7214342486368878592-mZ39/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

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“What to the Slave Is the 4th of July?”: James Earl Jones Reads Frederick Douglass’s Historic Speech

https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&feature=shared&v=iZDcB1NhMfo In a July Fourth special broadcast, we share the words of Frederick Douglass as read by actor James Earl Jones. Born into slavery around 1818, Douglass became a key…

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