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Ecocide Lands at the International Criminal Court 

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In a historic move, three Pacific nations, Vanuatu 🇻🇺, Fiji 🇫🇯 and Samoa 🇼🇸, have taken bold action to protect their very existence by proposing that “ecocide” be recognised as a crime at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Their aim is clear: to hold those responsible for environmental destruction (major polluters 👀), accountable on the same level as genocide and war crimes.

🎥 Could this clip from the ‘Extrapolations’ TV series soon become a reality, where those responsible for devastating our planet face criminal charges? ⏳

What makes this so symbolic is that, as small island states in the Pacific, they are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, facing extreme weather events, coastal erosion and the looming threat of losing their home to rising sea levels.

Ecocide, defined as acts that cause “severe and long-term damage to the environment”, will hold corporate leaders and heads of state criminally accountable for their role in environmental harm. Philippe Sands KC, a leading international lawyer, is confident in the law’s eventual adoption, saying: “The only question is when.”

Momentum is growing. Belgium 🇧🇪 has already enshrined ecocide in its legal framework, the EU 🇪🇺 has updated its international crime guidelines to include it as a “qualified” offence and Mexico 🇲🇽 is preparing similar legislation.

While full implementation will take time, this proposal marks a turning point in the global push for environmental justice. Jojo Mehta co-founder of Stop Ecocide International calls it a “key moment,” adding, “People are realising that this level of harm to the planet is simply unacceptable.”

Once adopted, this law will revolutionise how we hold polluters accountable, setting a global precedent for environmental justice. It will reshape international efforts to curb environmental destruction, ensuring that those responsible for devastating our planet face real, enforceable consequences.

How can you help?

📣 Raise Awareness: Many people are unaware of ecocide and its importance as a law, spread the word and educate others about this vital movement.

✊ Lobby Your Government: Contact your representatives and urge them to support ecocide laws at the national and international levels. Push for your government to back the proposal at the ICC.

🙌 Support Legal Advocacy: Follow & support organisations like Stop Ecocide International who are spearheading the global ecocide movement and ClientEarth who are using law to combat the climate and biodiversity crises.

(🎬 Credit: Apple TV)
