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Happy birthday Sir David

Sir David Attenborough: an inspiration to so many of us in the conservation world.

His love for our natural world and its extraordinary species is compelling and infectious, to say the least. His films – revealing the many wonders of our remarkable planet – have inspired hope and joy around the world.  

And – of course – he’s the vice-president of Fauna & Flora International.

This year, on the 8th May, Sir David will turn 96, and Thankbox are giving you the opportunity to send a special birthday message to the man himself via their online platform. You can add photos, videos, GIFs – whatever you’d like to spruce up your message and make it a little more personal.

Plus, you will be able to raise money for FFI while you do it! 100% of donations will go towards FFI and our projects, helping to protect some of the world’s most vulnerable species.

All you have to do is click the link at the bottom and add your message (and optional donation if you would like).

So, what are you waiting for? Get cracking and add your name today! I’m sure Sir David will be thrilled when he sees all the messages.


“We are thrilled to be supported by Thankbox through this unique and innovative campaign. We would like to thank everyone at Thankbox – and to all who sign the online card – for their generosity. Your donations will contribute to our work with local communities around the world to protect and restore nature.”Jonny Wright, Senior Director for Communications & Fundraising