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How the memorials will be marking the 20 year anniversary

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As the grim 20-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks approaches, the memorials set up at each site prepare to mark the significance of the day.

The 9/11 Memorial and Museum’s activities are designed to “share the history and lessons learned with a new generation, teach them about the ongoing repercussions of the 9/11 attacks, and inspire the world with memories of our fortitude, strength and resilience,” according to its website.

“Despite our shared grief in the aftermath of 9/11, hope, resilience, and unity lifted us up as a nation. Twenty years later, these lessons are more important than ever.”

Here’s a roundup of some of the planned events.


Annual commemoration. The memorial will continue its annual practice of reading the names of the vic-tims aloud and observing six moments of silence marking major events of the day.

Tribute in Light. This year, the memorial will expand its annual Tribute in Light, during which the sky above the city is illuminated from dusk on Sept. 11 until dawn on Sept. 12. This year’s event will be citywide, when buildings across the city will be lit up in blue.

The Never Forget Fund. The 9/11 Memorial & Museum also has launched the Never Forget Fund in ad-vance for the anniversary. The initiative is intended to support the organization’s educational programs “and preserve its significance as a sacred place of remembrance, reflection and education.”

Anniversary in the Schools Webinar. A free webinar for schools will include a film highlighting first-person accounts of the attacks, and allow viewers to interact with mu-seum staff via live chat. It will be available on-demand beginning Sept. 10.


The Memorial will hold its annual September 11 observance at Memorial Plaza. The names of the passen-gers and crew members will be read, the Bells of Remem-brance will be rung, and a wreath will be placed at the Wall of Names. The ceremonial gate to the crash site will be opened and family members will walk out to the crash site.