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Cultures Under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma

Gampel, Y. (1996). The Interminable uncanniness. In L. Rangell & R. Moses-Hrushovski (Eds.), Psychoanalysis at the political border (pp. 85–98). Madison, CT: International Universities Press.


Collective violence changes the perpetrators, victims, and societies in which it occurs. It targets the body, the psyche, and the socio-cultural order. How do people come to terms with these tragic events? This groundbreaking collection of essays by anthropologists, psychologists and psychoanalysts, drawing on field research in many different parts of the world, profits from an interdisciplinary dialogue. Providing provocative, at times deeply troubling, insights into the darker side of humanity, it also proposes new ways of understanding the terrible things that people are capable of doing to each other.