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The Clip Sheet

Cunningham, P. (1980). The clip sheet. The Reading Teacher, 964-966.


For most of the past 15 years, I have been a subscriber to The Reading Teacher. Each year, the arrival of the May issue has reminded me that, ready or not, another school year is about over. As I was planning this final column for the year, I found myself “wasting” much time thinking back to what I had and had not accomplished with the column this year and thinking ahead to the great feats I am sure I can accomplish next year. (In spite of past experience, I am always sure the future will be splendid!) As I was ruminating and daydreaming, I realized that I had never let you, my readers, in on my hopes and aspirations for “The Clip Sheet.” I further realized that, if readers now are like I was, most have little knowledge but much curiosity about how a column like this one magically appears on the pages of this journal each month.