I was just accepted into Princeton University after the repeal of affirmative action. As a person of color, I’m feeling conflicted.

I'm a person of color who was just accepted into Princeton after the repeal of affirmative action. When applying, I made sure to prove I was a person, not just…

Continue ReadingI was just accepted into Princeton University after the repeal of affirmative action. As a person of color, I’m feeling conflicted.

California state lawmaker vows to get cash reparations for 1,800 families displaced when the LA Dodgers Stadium was built during the 1950s

A California state lawmaker has vowed to have reparations paid to over 1,800 families who were displaced by the building of the Dodgers Stadium.  Democrat Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo introduced her bill, AB50, to…

Continue ReadingCalifornia state lawmaker vows to get cash reparations for 1,800 families displaced when the LA Dodgers Stadium was built during the 1950s