UN votes to request world court give legal opinion on Israel
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF According to the proposal, Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem is illegal and asks the court to recommend the steps that the UN and…
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF According to the proposal, Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem is illegal and asks the court to recommend the steps that the UN and…
Armed raids in a region of South Sudan plagued by ethnic clashes have forced around 30,000 civilians to flee their homes, the UN's emergency response agency said Thursday as international…
As Buffalo begins to dig itself out from its deadliest disaster in a decade, the plights of people stuck for days in frigid homes without much food, their streets still…
Internal medicine residents who are Asian or belong to racial groups that are underrepresented in medicine often receive lower ratings on performance assessments than their White peers in the first…
American Girl has announced its 2023 girl of the year who comes with an inspirational message to encourage the next generation to follow their dreams. The new doll, Kavi Sharma,…
Sara Khadem and family plan to set up residence in an unnamed Spanish city, according to reports One of Iran’s top-ranked female chess players is reportedly planning to settle in…
Haaretz newspaper today published a powerful essay by Israeli novelist and ICMGLT Honorsry Board Member David Grossman conveying his dismay at the manner in which Benjamin Netanyahu is forming his…
https://vimeo.com/706333617 A childless young ultra-orthodox couple faces a crisis after a traumatic treatment for barrenness. When the difference between good and bad is unclear, the family must deal with unresolved…
Pearl Devers was too young to understand why her mother was bundling her and her brothers up and fleeing their family home on tribal land in Palm Springs. Devers’ father,…
By Nicole Chavez and Justin Gamble, CNN Officials in Providence, Rhode Island, recently approved a $10 million budget plan for the city’s reparations program, but some are wondering who might end up benefiting from it. Like other…