Minn. appeals court rules that racial imbalance in Twin Cities schools doesn’t violate constitution unless intentional

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The Minnesota Court of Appeals has ruled against a group of parents who sued the state over segregation in Twin Cities school districts, saying a racially imbalanced school system does…

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BIPOC students and faculty reflect on the importance of DEI work and representation at UP

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by Jayla Fernandez ,  by Peytynn Kubo ,  by Ndemoh Sesay and  by Adeline Paguirigan This year’s freshman class is one of the most ethnically diverse classes UP has seen in recent years. 59% of the freshman class at UP identifies as…

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Tensions are high as California’s reparations task force tackles a crucial question: What will payment look like?

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California’s task force to study reparations for Black people is preparing to debate the most crucial piece of its work: How much restitution is due, and what form should it…

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Blonde (2022)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIsFywuZPoQ Based on the bestselling novel by Joyce Carol Oates, Blonde boldly reimagines the life of one of Hollywood's most enduring icons, Marilyn Monroe. From her volatile childhood as Norma…

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Indigenous defenders stand between illegal roads and survival of the Amazon rainforest – elections in Brazil and Peru could be a turning point

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The Ashéninka woman with the painted face radiated a calm, patient confidence as she stood on the sandy banks of the Amonia River and faced the loggers threatening her Amazonian…

Continue ReadingIndigenous defenders stand between illegal roads and survival of the Amazon rainforest – elections in Brazil and Peru could be a turning point