‘The Slaves Dread New Year’s Day the Worst’: The Grim History of January 1 New Year’s Day used to be widely known as “Hiring Day” or “Heartbreak Day”

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OLIVIA B. WAXMAN DEC 27, 2019 9:00 AM PST  Americans are likely to think of New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day as a time to celebrate the fresh start…

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In Indian Country, a Crisis of Missing Women. And a New One When They’re Found.

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Ashley, right, trying to wake up her sister Dani in the motel room where their family is living in Gallup, N.M. Dani had previously been missing for two years, one of many Native American women to disappear in what activists call a long-ignored crisis.

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UNSEEN (2019)

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https://www.youtube.com/embed/Tl3TzclgUX4 Three weeks before the final exam and the class is not studying. The young teacher Matan has to prepare them to the literature exam and to deal with an…

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