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“Is fighting your wars on the bodies of your most vulnerable a tactic of war?”

“Is fighting your wars on the bodies of your most vulnerable a tactic of war?”
– Danai Gurira

Gurira, UN Goodwill Ambassador and renowned Hollywood actor, delivered a powerful speech at the UN Security Council, shedding light on the harrowing violence faced by women and children in war-torn regions. Her words resonated deeply as she highlighted the rising instances of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Sudan, and Ethiopia.

Gurira’s call to action demands global attention and accountability. She urged world powers to recognize and bring to light the unseen crimes against women and survivors worldwide. Her plea emphasized the dire situation in Africa, where such atrocities are shockingly prevalent.

It’s time for us to take a stand. Share this post, raise your voice, and let’s bring awareness to the injustices happening in DRC, Sudan, and Ethiopia. Together, we can push for change and support those affected by these horrific acts.