You are currently viewing Just in! New climate litigation before the European Court of Human Rights.

Just in! New climate litigation before the European Court of Human Rights.

The ECHR has just given notice to Austria alleging that the country has failed to mitigate climate change impacts by not taking effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The case is Müllner v. Austria. Mr. Müllner is suffering from MS, the conditions of which are worsened by high temperatures.

One of the original arguments brought by Mr. Müllner that I find very interesting is that the Austrian government grants tax benefits to the aviation industry, something he argues is not in line with the climate action needed in order to protect his rights.

The court is giving priority to the case, due to Mr Müllner’s health condition.

Also keep an eye on CLAW – Initiative für Klimarecht, the organisation supporting the case.
