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Justice Can’t Wait. Pass Reparations Bill Now

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US voters have spoken. Now, we need to repair the legacy of slavery by passing H.R. 40

The time for the United States to account for its legacy of slavery is long overdue.

Voters made clear that racial justice needs to be a priority for the next Administration. The US Congress now has an opportunity to make history. Black people in the US continue to feel the impacts of slavery today in the form of structural racism, violence, discrimination and disparities in areas such as health, housing, education, economics, policing and law enforcement. The mass protests stemming from pervasive racial inequality and unlawful killings and deaths of Black people, like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Layleen Polanco and Tony McDade, reflect America’s failure to provide redress for this long history of abuse.

US House Resolution 40 (H.R. 40) is a federal bill that will establish a commission to examine the impacts of slavery and other racist laws and practices, and recommend proposals to provide reparations for redress and repair. Like the commission that investigated the forced relocation and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, the bill can help pave the way for a full and truthful reckoning and accounting for past and present harms.

In order for us to build a better, more just future, we need to address and repair the continuing legacy of slavery.

Be a part of history. Tell US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, and Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler to pass H.R. 40. By taking the action below, your email will be sent to their offices.