You are currently viewing Nearly 79 years ago, on July 16th 1945, the US conducted the first ever nuclear test, the Trinity test. 

Nearly 79 years ago, on July 16th 1945, the US conducted the first ever nuclear test, the Trinity test. 

The first communities impacted by nuclear testing were those people living downwind of the first nuclear bomb explosion. They were not told about the test even as fallout ‘snowed’ over their farms, homes, and wells.  To this day, the impact of this radioactive fallout continues to affect the families that lived close to the testing site, and they have not received any assistance or compensation. 

A recent bill to extend and expand coverage of the US compensation scheme is still being ignored by Congress. U.S. citizens should urge their elected representatives to pass the bill that extends and expands the Radiation Compensation Exposure Act. 

For decades, survivors of nuclear testing around the world have been calling on their governments for justice. Globally, survivors have pushed for recognition, compensation and environmental remediation and achieved the first international treaty to require countries that join it to help those affected by nuclear weapons use and testing and to take steps to address contaminated environments: the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. 


ICMGLT will be holding a webinar titled “Protecting our World for Future Generations: An Interfaith Call to Abolish Nuclear Weapons” on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 1:00-2:30PM EDT.

Click Here to Register and Learn More