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Newt Gingrich Shares Conspiracy Theory With Antisemitic Roots, Draws Warning From ADL

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The former speaker of the House falsely tied Jewish philanthropist George Soros to accusations of election theft. The Anti-Defamation League, the leading U.S. organization fighting antisemitism, told Haaretz that public officials should avoid such language

The Anti-Defamation League has called on public figures to stop sharing antisemitic conspiracy theories that blame rich Jews for “stealing” the U.S. election, in which incumbent President Donald Trump lost to President-elect Joe Biden.

Since the results of the election emerged over the past week, Trump supporters have shared false and unproven theories about mass-scale election fraud in favor of the winning Biden-Harris ticket. In some cases, the president’s supporters have adopted a classic, decades-old antisemitic canard by accusing Jewish philanthropist George Soros of “orchestrating” the fraud.