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Over 200 Israeli Principals Petition Against Far-right Lawmaker’s Control Over Education

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Jewish and Arab principals from the state education system say they oppose Avi Maoz’s ‘racist, homophobic, dark and extreme views that divide and harm entire communities and broad identities in Israeli society’

Deborahjay A. Translator

08:53 04.12.2022

Note to readers of the English edition: the views of Avi Maoz and his Noam party are described here and elsewhere as “dark” (besides homophobic, misogynistic and extremist). The Hebrew source word “khasooch” is better translated as “benighted,” as in the Dark Ages.



02:22 04.12.2022

It’s nice to hear that there are some people in Israel who live in the 21st century. But–for that matter–even in the ancient world, the Hebrew kingdoms afforded greater openness to women and non-Hebrews. According to the Bible, many Hebrews were married to non-Hebrews and even the Canaanite Ruth, wife of a Hebrew, converted herself to Hebrewism–no need for a rabbinate (and even if those characters were mythological, the stories reflected genuine circumstances of the time). Studies indicate that women of the past had more freedom (as here: So where did all this obscurantism, disguised as “real Judaism”, come from–which Likud has now gotten itself tied up with? Now Netanyahu has to get himself out of a knot he didn’t need to get into in the first place–if he were a man of integrity.

Lacanian analyst

14:30 04.12.2022Lorraine

Pelease, tell us on what country you live. Perhaps , this will give us a hint on the century you live.


16:26 04.12.2022Lorraine

The trend of extreme-right Orthodox men in Israel to impose stricter and stricter guidelines for women and in the field of children’s education is a result of the men feeling angry and threatened that the modern world is moving along, and that women and gays are finally asking to be recognized for their strengths and contributions to the world. The behavior of these men is immoral and disgraceful, and has made many non-Israeli Jews rightfully question the morality of the people of Israel who shamefully voted for Netanyahu and his cohorts.