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Resolution to remove slavery from state constitution headed to Governor’s desk

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — The Tennessee House has passed a resolution to remove a section of the state constitution that permits slavery when used as a form of criminal punishment for inmates.  

The resolution would remove all forms of slavery from the Tennessee Constitution. The House of Representatives passed the measure Tuesday night. 

Next, the constitutional amendment will head to the Governor’s desk to be signed. If signed, the amendment will be placed on the 2022 ballot for voters. 

Memphis State Representatives Joe Towns and Raumesh Akbari sponsored the bill.  

“Today is an historic day as this state has taken a definitive step forward in stripping all forms of slavery from the Tennessee State Constitution,” Representative Towns said. “Some Tennesseans may be prisoners, but, by God, they will not be slaves.  We are the first Southern State to embrace universal abolition. I am proud to have carried this joint resolution and now we need all Tennesseans to join us in correcting this wrong by voting for this constitutional amendment in November of 2022.”