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Review: ‘Sherman’s Showcase’ Tests Whether It’s OK to Laugh

An irreverent “Black History Month Spectacular” arrives, on schedule but in a very different time.Juneteenth, a holiday little noticed by television in the past, has become a hopscotch square for TV networks this week as they try to calibrate their responses to protests over the killing of George Floyd. Some have hopped off, moving shows not relevant to the issues of racism and police brutality away from June 19. Many have hopped on, adding hastily assembled commemorations or other shows with African-American themes or casts, largely reruns and back-catalog documentaries.

The sister cable networks AMC and IFC, however, were already set. They announced in mid-May that the winsomely titled one-hour special “Sherman’s Showcase ‘Black History Month Spectacular'” would be “premiering Juneteenth” — four months away from Black History Month, but on a particularly appropriate date that virtually no…