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Stop unjustified placements of Inuit children in Denmark

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  • Post category:Daily News

The Issue

Stop unjustified testing and discrimination of Inuit in Denmark
This is a call rooted in Inuit’s struggle against an unjust system in Denmark that disproportionately affects Inuit and Greenlandic families. In Denmark, Inuit children are placed in foster care six times more often than their Danish peers. This distortion arises from the application of psychometric tests to judge the parenting skills of Greenlandic parents – tests that are not validated or adapted for the Inuit. 

The Danish Institute of Human Rights, along with various professors, has recommended halting this discriminatory testing. However, these cries for justice have largely been without effect. The Minister of Social Affairs in Denmark urged municipalities to reconsider this testing, yet this plea has been ignored.

This is not merely about flawed testing. This is an issue of human rights, Indigenous Peoples’ rights, and children’s rights that affects the sense of justice. It perpetuates an oppressive narrative wherein ethnic minorities are unfairly evaluated by tools not adapted for them, leading to misleading results that suggest cognitive disabilities and an unjustified separation of children from parents. 

It must be ensured that the flawed practices are reasonable and that every citizen, regardless of their ethnic background, is afforded rightful and fair treatment under the justice system. Sign this petition to demand that the Danish law enforcement discontinue the unwarranted psychometric testing of Inuit.
Your signature can help us make a change to uphold human rights and social justice. Please sign and share this petition.
We are aware of the fact that the overrepresentation of children being placed in out of home care is worldwide among former colonies and among Indigenous People’s.
For further information and updates in Denmark please follow SILA360 on facebook or on Instagram sila_360_ngo and Foreningen MAPI on Facebook. 

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