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The Niagara Movement

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“Declaration of Principles”

The Niagara Movement called for the immediate end of segregation and full civil and political rights for African Americans. Members were committed to serving as an organization for vocal protest and aimed to publicly protest injustices and violence against Black Americans on a national scale. In their first year, the Niagara Movement gained 150 members and established branch chapters in 17 states. 

Niagara activists expressed public protest through publications and the lobbying of legislatures to condemn segregation and demand civil rights laws. After the 1906 race riot in Atlanta, for instance, the group sponsored test cases to challenge Jim Crow laws. Although the group dissolved in 1910 due to a lack of financial resources and from internal strains, the Niagara Movement demonstrated the will and desire to bring radical and emphatic demands to a public forum. Du Bois encouraged members to join the newly formed NAACP to continue the fight against discrimination.
