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The Real Zombie Threat as the Arctic Thaws and Other Climate Briefs

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  • Post category:Daily News

This week’s climate change briefs bring grim news for gray whales, those planning their vacation in 2100, and reveal the zombie threat we should be worried about

How many ways will climate change our lives? A new study from Newcastle University examined more than 14,000 airports around the world and concluded that even modest sea level rise will place 100 of them under water by 2100, they report in the journal Climate Risk Management.

Note ye that there are a lot of assumptions here, but if anything this estimate seems conservative, and they point out that 269 airports are already at risk of flooding now. The study by Prof. Richard Dawson and Aaron Yesudian is based on a two-degree Celsius increase in global mean temperature by that year. If the global mean temperature increase is higher, they count 572 airports at risk.