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Toward Investigating and Redressing Lifelong and Intergenerational Impacts of Nuclear Bombing, Radiation Exposure and Fallout 

Date: Monday, March 3, 2025, 1:15 – 2:45PM

Place: United Nations Headquarters, Conference Room A

This side event will take place on the occasion of the third Meeting of States Parties to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (3MSP). It will begin with a report of key international intergenerational findings garnered utilizing the Danieli Inventory for Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma – the gold measure for comparatively assessing psychosocial intergenerational impacts of trauma ( This Inventory has been respectfully and sensitively adjusted to exploring direct and indirect effects in offspring of victim/survivors of nuclear bombing and nuclear radiation exposure and fallout in multiple related languages (English version at Following the original study presentation, discussants – veterans and descendants of nuclear-exposed communities who, in addition to honoring the memories of survivor parents, would report of their own legacies and highlight the urgency of studying and redressing these legacies to inform global policy and reparative justice practices. This forward-looking dialogue aims to advance TPNW’s mission by integrating victim/survivors and descendants’ experiences, cutting-edge science, and visionary leadership to chart a path toward a nuclear-free and equitable future. 


John M. Silk

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations (1946-1958)


Kathleen Burkinshaw

Daughter of Toshiko Ishikawa, Hibakusha (6 August, 1945)

Sara Miyako Burkinshaw

Granddaughter of Toshiko Ishikawa, Hibakusha (6 August, 1945)

Keith Kiefer

1977-1980 Enewetak Atoll Radiological Cleanup Veteran/survivor; Commander, (United States) National Associa tion of Atomic Veterans; In Memoriam for F. Lincoln Grahlfs, Operation Cossroads (1-25 July, 1946) survivor, and his children 

Kathy Sinai

Daughter of a 17-years old United States Navy Operation Hardtack 1 (28 April-8 August, 1958); Founder, i Glow and StillGlowing

Alan Owen, MBA, FLPI 

Son of James Ronald Owen, UK Royal Navy, Operation Dominic (25 April-30 October, 1962); Founder of LABRATS

Oksana Yakushko

Child survivor of Chernobyl (26 April, 1986)

Convener and Study Presenter:

Dr. Yael Danieli

Traumatologist, victimologist and psychohistorian; Founder, Executive Director, Senior Representative to the United Nations, International Center for MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma (ICMGLT); Director, Group Project for Holocaust Survivors and their Children 

Food and beverages courtesy of Victoria Moore Fine Art (near the Vienna Café)