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Win in the Senate for Radiation Exposure Victims!

Last week, the Senate passed a major win for victims of U.S. nuclear weapons testing and development. Your advocacy played a key role in this victory. The Radiation Exposure Compensation Re-Authorization Act (S.3853) passed overwhelmingly in the Senate 69-30 on Thursday, March 7. This bipartisan bill extends life-saving compensation to people who have suffered from illnesses caused by radiation exposure. It also expands the program to reach impacted communities that have been ignored for too long. 

Prior to the vote, you and the FCNL community sent nearly 30,000 letters to senators. We hosted a group of advocates from impacted communities last week, who came to Washington, D.C. in time to advocate for this Senate win. 

Your support helped make this happen. Please make a gift today to help us achieve more victories like this. 

As the bill moves to the House, we must keep up this momentum to ensure a quick passage. We will be reaching out to you in the weeks ahead with specific ways to take action. 

Victims of nuclear testing and development have suffered long enough. Our vision of a peaceful and secure world is not possible without redressing this past harm. 

Again, thank you! 

Allen HesterSincerely,Allen HesterLegislative Representative
Nuclear Disarmament and Pentagon Spending